Graphic Design Trends in the UK & US

Many of the world’s leading graphic design trends are derived from observations in the U.S. or U.K. and then filtered through an international lens to adapt to whichever culture they happen to land on. Of course, there are always certain nuances to each city’s graphic design style, resulting from the influence of different cultural backgrounds and the value that various industries place on design.

Graphic Design Trends in the U.K. & U.S.

Brands in motion

GIFs have become increasingly common in the U.S. and U.K. as an alternative to static imagery. Unlike static images, they allow the viewer to see a brand in action, creating a more engaging experience for users and portraying a sense of dynamism and personality. GIFs are also perfect for sharing online because they can be easily embedded into social media.

Breaking down (design) borders

The design of public spaces is undergoing a revolution as digital technology allows for new possibilities. The traditional way of designing public spaces is being disrupted by the integration of graphic design with interactive and responsive surfaces that respond to the people and objects around them. Furthermore, designers are now using technology to track users and their movements, allowing cities to communicate with residents in new ways.

Increasing interactivity

With the rise in popularity of wearables, all kinds of product packaging are also becoming increasingly interactive. Visual interfaces that are similar to those used on smartphones have become a standard way to introduce people to the functions of a product. They also make it easier for graphic designers to display product information.

Back in the 1990s

The 1990s are on their way back. Graphic designers are embracing the grungy and heavily stylized aesthetic that was popular in the early days of the internet, which has led to a rise in popularity for typefaces such as Comic Sans and neon colours such as yellow and pink. Another style that is making a comeback is stickers and decals to decorate products.

The new Wild West

Today, the internet is dominated by giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Still, despite their dominance and ability to shape the way we shop, they are not monopolizing everything. Innovative start-ups are providing alternatives to the big internet giants.


The U.S. and U.K. are becoming increasingly interconnected as more people move in and out of both countries, inspiring each other’s graphic design trends. The relevant industries in different regions also have their own particular graphic design styles, resulting from their residents’ cultural backgrounds and the importance they place on communication and interfaces that are easy to use.

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