A Cultural Exploration: Unveiling the Distinctiveness of British Culture Compared to American Culture

Venturing across the Atlantic Ocean from America to Britain unveils a cultural tapestry that is as diverse as it is distinctive. British culture, with its rich heritage and storied traditions, stands apart from its American counterpart in numerous fascinating ways. From the charming British sense of humour to the iconic afternoon tea rituals, there is an enchanting allure to British culture that captivates onlookers.

Let’s take a look at the cultural exploration, delving into the unique characteristics that set British culture apart from American culture. We’ll touch upon the British penchant for politeness and their love affair with the monarchy, as well as the stark differences in culinary preferences, sporting obsessions, and social etiquettes. By understanding these distinctions, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of human societies.

So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on a journey that celebrates what makes British culture distinct from its American counterpart. Prepare to be enchanted as we uncover the hidden gems of British culture and shed light on the intricacies that define it. Let the exploration begin!

Language and Communication Differences

Language is an essential aspect of any culture, and the differences between British English and American English are both subtle and significant. While both countries speak English, the accents and vocabulary used can vary greatly. British English is known for its distinctive pronunciation, with regional accents ranging from the posh Received Pronunciation (RP) to the charming Cockney dialect. American English, on the other hand, has its own regional accents, such as the Southern drawl and the New York accent.

In addition to accents, there are numerous differences in vocabulary and expressions. For example, in Britain, a “biscuit” refers to a sweet baked good, whereas in America, it is more commonly known as a “cookie.” Similarly, the British term for an elevator is a “lift,” while Americans use the term “elevator.” These linguistic differences can sometimes lead to confusion or humorous misunderstandings between British and American speakers.

Furthermore, British communication often leans towards understatement and indirectness, while Americans tend to be more direct and explicit. British politeness often involves using phrases such as “sorry” or “excuse me” even when not necessary, creating a courteous and considerate atmosphere. In contrast, American communication tends to be more straightforward and assertive, with less emphasis on politeness and more on efficiency.

Understanding these language and communication differences is crucial when immersing oneself in British culture. It allows for better cultural understanding and smoother social interactions between British and American individuals.

Social Etiquette and Customs

British society is known for its adherence to social etiquette and customs, which play a significant role in everyday interactions. Politeness and manners are highly valued, and it is customary to say “please” and “thank you” in various situations. Queuing, or waiting in line, is also a deeply ingrained cultural norm in Britain, with people patiently waiting their turn in an orderly manner.

Another prominent aspect of British customs is their love for the monarchy. The British royal family holds a special place in the hearts of many Britons, and events such as royal weddings and births are celebrated with great enthusiasm. The monarchy serves as a symbol of national identity and tradition, and the British people take pride in their royal heritage.

Tea culture is another quintessentially British custom that has stood the test of time. Afternoon tea, with its delicate finger sandwiches, scones, and cakes, is a cherished tradition that showcases the British love for tea and indulgence. It is not merely a meal but a social occasion, where friends and family gather to enjoy a leisurely afternoon together.

Understanding and respecting these social etiquette and customs is essential for anyone visiting or interacting with British society. It allows for a deeper appreciation of their cultural values and helps to build positive and respectful connections with the local community.

Education Systems and Values

The education systems in Britain and America differ significantly, reflecting their respective cultural values and priorities. In Britain, the education system places a strong emphasis on tradition and academic achievement. Private schools, commonly known as public schools, such as Eton and Harrow, are prestigious institutions that have produced many influential figures throughout history. These schools often adhere to long-established traditions and focus on academic excellence and character development.

In contrast, the American education system values individualism and offers a wider range of educational options. Public schools are the norm for most children, although private schools are also prevalent. American schools often prioritise extracurricular activities and sports alongside academics, fostering a well-rounded development of students.

Furthermore, there are differences in the grading systems and university admissions processes. In Britain, the grading system is often more stringent, with a focus on exams and standardsed testing. University admissions can be highly competitive, with a greater emphasis on academic achievements and subject-specific requirements. In America, the grading system is typically more lenient, with a focus on continuous assessment and a broader range of extracurricular activities. University admissions also take into account a holistic view of the applicant, including personal essays and letters of recommendation.

Understanding these differences in education systems and values allows for a deeper insight into the cultural priorities and approaches to learning in both British and American societies.

Historical and Political Influences

The historical and political influences on British and American cultures have shaped their distinct characteristics and identities. Britain, with its rich history spanning centuries, has been shaped by monarchies, wars, and a vast colonial empire. This history has instilled a sense of tradition, continuity, and pride in the British people.

In contrast, America’s history is relatively young, with a focus on independence and individualism. The American Revolution and the founding fathers’ ideals of liberty and equality have had a profound impact on American culture. The American Dream, the belief in upward mobility and individual success, is deeply ingrained in the national psyche.

The political systems in both countries differ significantly. Britain operates under a constitutional monarchy, where the monarch serves as a ceremonial figurehead, while political power is held by elected representatives. In contrast, America is a federal republic with a president as the head of state and government. The political ideologies and systems in each country shape their respective cultures and societal structures.

Understanding the historical and political influences on British and American cultures provides valuable context for their distinct characteristics and values. It allows for a deeper appreciation of their unique identities and the factors that have shaped them.

Attitudes Towards Work and Leisure

The attitudes towards work and leisure differ between British and American cultures, reflecting their distinct approaches to life and priorities. In Britain, there is a strong emphasis on work-life balance and leisure time. The concept of “taking a break” is highly valued, with lunch breaks being longer and often involving socialising with colleagues or friends. The British prioritise time with family and friends, and work is seen as a means to support and enjoy life outside of the workplace.

In contrast, America is known for its strong work ethic and focus on career success. The “American Dream” often involves hard work, ambition, and dedication to achieve financial prosperity and upward mobility. Americans often have shorter lunch breaks and may prioritse work over leisure time. The concept of “hustle culture” is prevalent, with a belief in the value of constant productivity and achievement.

Understanding these different attitudes towards work and leisure provides insights into the cultural values and priorities in both British and American societies. It highlights the importance of finding a balance between work and personal life and the diverse approaches to achieving fulfillment and happiness.

Family Structure and Values

Family structure and values differ between British and American cultures, reflecting their distinct societal norms and priorities. In Britain, the nuclear family is the most common family structure, consisting of parents and their children. However, there is also a strong emphasis on extended family connections and maintaining close relationships with relatives. Family gatherings and celebrations, such as Christmas and Easter, are important occasions for the British.

In America, the family structure varies more widely, with nuclear families, single-parent families, blended families, and more. Individualism is often prioritised, with a focus on personal autonomy and independence. However, family values and connections are still highly regarded, and family-oriented holidays and celebrations, such as Thanksgiving and Independence Day, hold significant cultural importance.

Understanding the differences in family structure and values provides insights into the cultural norms and priorities in both British and American societies. It highlights the significance of familial relationships and the ways in which each culture values and nurtures these connections.

British culture is distinct from American culture in numerous fascinating ways. From language and communication differences to social etiquette and customs, education systems and values, historical and political influences, attitudes towards work and leisure, and family structure and values, each aspect unveils a unique cultural tapestry. By exploring and understanding these distinctions, we gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of human societies. So, let us celebrate the distinctiveness of British culture and embrace the enchanting allure it brings to our world.

Exploring Differences Between U.S. & U.K. Interior Design

Mid Century

The world of interior design is a captivating tapestry woven with threads of culture, history, and innovation. As we embark on a journey through time, delving into the intricacies of U.S. and U.K. interior design over the past century, we find ourselves in a realm where style evolves like a living organism, reflecting societal shifts and aesthetic trends.

In the United States, interior design has undergone a remarkable transformation from the grandeur of Victorian opulence to the sleek lines and minimalist elegance of contemporary spaces. Each era bears witness to a unique narrative etched in the walls and furniture choices that define American homes.

Across the pond in the United Kingdom, a parallel but distinct evolution unfolds as British interiors narrate their own story of refinement and sophistication. From the ornate detailing of Edwardian times to the modern fusion of traditional elements with contemporary flair seen in current British homes, each period leaves its mark on the canvas of interior design history.

Early 20th Century:

Influence of Art Deco movement in U.S.

In the early 20th century, the Art Deco movement left a lasting impression on U.S. interior design, marking a shift towards decadence and modernity. Influenced by industrialisation and new technologies, Art Deco embraced geometric shapes, vibrant colours, and luxurious materials like glass, chrome, and wood veneers. This style was all about showcasing wealth and sophistication through bold patterns, streamlined forms, and intricate detailing.

Art Deco interiors in the U.S. often featured symmetrical layouts, sleek furniture designs with curved silhouettes or sharp angles, and lavish textiles such as velvet and silk. The movement also incorporated motifs inspired by Egyptian art, Greco-Roman architecture, and Native American culture into its designs to create a sense of exoticism and glamour.

Emphasis on traditional styles in the U.K.

In the early 20th century, U.K. interior design was dominated by traditional styles that emphasised elegance and sophistication. The influence of Victorian and Edwardian eras could be seen in the rich use of dark woods, luxurious fabrics, and intricate detailing. Rooms were typically adorned with ornate furniture, heavy draperies, and decorative accessories such as vases and figurines.

Interior designers of this period focused on creating a sense of opulence and grandeur within homes, frequently incorporating elements like chandeliers, Persian rugs, and vintage paintings to enhance the overall aesthetic. While there was a nod to nostalgia for the past with antique-inspired pieces, there was also an embrace of modern conveniences such as electric lighting and streamlined furniture designs. The result was a fusion of old-world charm with contemporary functionality.

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An Overview of the Trends for Blended Working Environments in the UK and US

Trends for Blended Working Environments in the UK and US

Due to the pandemic, companies across the globe embraced the concept of a hybrid workplace set-up, which both employers and employees eventually got used to. It’s clear that this type of working environment is the way of the future. As pandemic limitations have been reduced globally, organisations are now exploring the possibility of inviting their staff back to the office or at least increasing the amount of time spent in the workplace.

If you wish to beat the present-day difficulties or grow your business, examining the hybrid work patterns in the US and the UK can assist. And if you are searching for a concise summary of the hybrid work trends in the US and the UK, we have you taken care of.

By altering the structure yet keeping the same meaning, one may remove any plagiarism from the text.

A Comparison of the Hybrid Workplace Trends in the United States and the United Kingdom

Desired Characteristics in a Job Environment

Employees have their own individual preferences when it comes to their job. Some may prefer a more flexible working environment, while others may favour a more structured system. Whatever the preference, employers should strive to create a workplace that meets the needs of their personnel.

An image depicting a hybrid workplace can be seen. This workplace is a combination of both remote and on-site work.

*Source: McKinsey

Employees are providing feedback about the future of working remotely, and it is clear that many see it as a viable option for the long term. They are citing several benefits, such as the ability to balance work and family life, increased productivity, and improved access to resources. Additionally, some are expressing a desire to stay remote in order to retain the freedoms it provides.

It is also worth taking a look at: What are the new work models and which one do employees prefer?

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Contrasting Leadership Structures in the UK and USA

House of parliament

The United Kingdom and the United States, despite sharing a common language and historical roots, exhibit stark differences in their political hierarchies. From the ceremonial role of the royal family to the executive powers vested in the prime minister and president, and the legislative functions of Parliament and Congress, each nation’s leadership structure reflects its unique history, values, and political evolution.

The Role of the Royal Family vs. the President:

United Kingdom (UK): At the apex of the UK’s hierarchy is the constitutional monarchy, symbolised by the royal family. While the monarch, such as King Charles III, holds a largely ceremonial role, their influence is limited by constitutional constraints. The day-to-day governance is carried out by elected officials.

United States (USA): In contrast, the United States embraces a presidential system. The president serves as both the head of state and the head of government, wielding considerable executive powers. The president is elected independently of the legislative branch, allowing for a clear separation of powers.

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The Growing Popularity of Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the UK

Black Friday

In recent years, the UK has witnessed a shopping phenomenon that’s been steadily on the rise—Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Originally an American tradition, these two days of epic discounts have made a substantial splash in the UK retail scene. At Find US Made, we keep a keen eye on trends that traverse the Atlantic, and Black Friday and Cyber Monday are no exception. In this blog, we’ll look at what Black Friday and Cyber Monday are, why they gained popularity in the US, their impressive growth there, and their increasing influence in the UK. Plus, we’ll make some predictions about their future until 2030.

What are Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving in the United States, traditionally marked by the start of the Christmas shopping season. It’s characterised by retailers offering massive discounts, and it often involves shoppers queuing outside stores in the early hours of the morning.

Cyber Monday, on the other hand, is the Monday after Thanksgiving and focuses on online deals. This trend emerged with the rise of e-commerce, enticing shoppers with deep discounts on various products available online.

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Contrasting Architectural Trends in the UK and America

Architecture is a reflection of culture, history, and innovation. Over the centuries, the United Kingdom and the United States have developed distinct architectural styles that reflect their unique heritage, climate, and societal influences. In this blog, we’ll delve into the key differences between architectural trends in the UK and America, explore popular building styles, and discover some iconic structures that have left an indelible mark on their respective landscapes.

1. Georgian Architecture: A Classic UK Style

Royal Crescent in Bath

Georgian architecture, which flourished during the reigns of the first four British monarchs of the House of Hanover (1714-1830), is characterised by its symmetrical facades, grand proportions, and restrained ornamentation. One of the most iconic examples of Georgian architecture is the Royal Crescent in Bath, England. Designed by John Wood the Younger and completed in 1774, it features a sweeping crescent of 30 terraced houses.

Interesting Fact: The Royal Crescent is not just a beautiful architectural ensemble; it also has a historical significance. During World War II, it was used as a place of refuge and recovery for European Jews who had fled the Nazi regime.

2. Federal Style in America: A Mirror of Neoclassical Elegance

In the United States, the Federal style, inspired by Neoclassical design principles, was prevalent from the late 18th century into the early 19th century. Monticello, the Virginia plantation home designed by Thomas Jefferson, exemplifies this style. Its symmetrical facade, columns, and domed roof showcase the influence of ancient Greek and Roman architecture.

Historical Titbit: Thomas Jefferson, a polymath and Founding Father, not only designed Monticello but also played a crucial role in drafting the Declaration of Independence.

3. Victorian Splendour in the UK

The Victorian era (1837-1901) in the UK witnessed a revival of various architectural styles, including the Gothic Revival, Italianate, and Queen Anne styles. The Houses of Parliament in London, designed by Charles Barry and Augustus Pugin, are a splendid example of Gothic Revival architecture. Completed in 1870, its pointed arches and intricate detailing evoke a sense of grandeur and historical romance.

Fun Fact: The Palace of Westminster, home to the UK Parliament, was nearly destroyed by a fire in 1834, which led to its magnificent reconstruction in the Gothic Revival style.

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Halloween Celebrations & Traditions in the UK & US


As the leaves begin to change color and a chill creeps into the air, anticipation builds among Halloween enthusiasts on both sides of the Atlantic. In the United Kingdom and the United States, October 31st is not just another date on the calendar; it is a day filled with spooky celebrations, age-old traditions, and an undeniable clash between consumerism and cultural heritage.

From elaborate costumes to intricately carved pumpkins adorning doorsteps, it has become an iconic holiday that ignites excitement in hearts from late summer onwards. But what are the origins of this beloved festivity? Let us delve into these questions as we unravel the captivating celebrations and traditions in two distinct yet interconnected cultures.

UK Traditions

In the UK, Halloween is not just about costumes and candy. It is a time when ghostly tales come alive. The tradition of sharing spooky stories dates back to ancient Celtic customs, where it was believed that on the night of Samhain – the boundary between the living and spirit worlds became blurred. This eerie belief has been kept alive through generations, with families gathering around a cozy fire to share bone-chilling tales of ghosts and ghouls. From haunted castles to mysterious apparitions, these stories have become an integral part of British festivities.

Celebrations in the UK have long been influenced by a merging of traditions with another popular holiday: Bonfire Night. While Halloween typically brings to mind images of spooky costumes and trick-or-treating, the Guy Fawkes Night festivities on November 5th also play a significant role in the country’s fall celebrations. This blending creates a unique atmosphere during this time of year, where mystical creatures and fireworks intertwine to create an unforgettable experience.

One fascinating aspect of these combined celebrations is the incorporation of bonfires. Bonfires have been integral to both holidays for centuries, dating back to when they were originally lit in commemoration of Guy Fawkes’ failed attempt to blow up Parliament on November 5th, 1605. Over time, these bonfires became increasingly linked as people began hosting their own private firework displays and parties during this period. The vibrant glow from these fires adds an extra layer of enchantment, evoking a sense of warmth and harmony amidst the eerie ambience.

Another noteworthy tradition that merges with Halloween is penny for the guy, which has its roots in Guy Fawkes Day but has become common during both holidays. Children create effigies resembling Guy Fawkes himself or other mythical characters and parade them through the streets requesting spare change from passersby. The guy is then burned on the bonfire during the festivities.

US Traditions

Trick or treating

One of the most beloved traditions in the United States is undoubtedly trick-or-treating. Children dress up in costumes and go door to door, collecting candy from their neighbours. But while this tradition may seem like a simple act of soliciting treats, it actually has its roots in ancient Celtic customs. In ancient times, people believed that on the night of Halloween, the veil between the world of the living and the dead was at its thinnest. To appease wandering spirits, people would leave out food and treats for them. Over time, this evolved into children going door to door asking for candy.

Another iconic symbol in America is pumpkin carving. Every year, families gather around to choose the perfect pumpkin and skillfully carve out faces or intricate designs on its surface. However, many people do not realize that pumpkin carving has ties to an Irish legend about a man named Stingy Jack. According to folklore, Jack tricked both God and Satan before his death and was condemned to wander aimlessly with only a lit coal inside a carved-out turnip for light. When Irish immigrants arrived in America during the 19th century, they quickly discovered that pumpkins made for much better lanterns than turnips. Thus began the tradition of carving eerie faces into pumpkins.

These two traditions have become synonymous with Halloween celebrations in America over time but are rooted in fascinating origins that often go unnoticed during contemporary festivities.

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The Development of Computing Technology in America and Britain


Computing technology has been evolving rapidly in America and Britain for the past few decades. Although development of computers can be traced back to as early as 1800 with Charles Babbage’s mechanical computer, the Analytical Engine, it was only during World War II that the technology started to gain attention.

In America, electronic computers were first developed in the 1940s by companies such as IBM and Bell Labs. These early computers were bulky and expensive, but they paved the way for modern computers as we know them today. In contrast, Britain’s early computing industry was largely driven by academia rather than industry. Researchers such as Alan Turing at Bletchley Park played a crucial role in developing code-breaking machines that helped win World War II.

During the 1950s and 60s, both America and Britain experienced a boom in computer development.

Key innovations from each country

In the last century, computing technology has changed drastically, and both America and Britain have been major contributors to the evolution of this industry. The first breakthrough in computing technology was with the invention of the thermionic valve (vacuum tube) in 1904. This innovation paved the way for more advanced computer systems that later emerged.

Then came the invention of the Colossus computers by British telephone engineer Tommy Flowers during World War II. It was used by Allies to break German codes. Later, in 1951 Remington Rand introduced its UNIVAC I computer – which is considered as one of the most significant innovations in American computing history because it was an early example of a stored-program computer.

Another innovation that stands out is ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), a US Defence Department project from 1969 that created a network between several universities and government sites to share academic and research data more efficiently.

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American Foods You May Not Have Heard Of


The United States is a melting pot of cultures, which means that there is no one “American food.” Instead, American cuisine is a mix of all the different types of food from around the world. This makes it difficult to choose a favourite American dish, because there are so many possibilities. However, one thing that all Americans can agree on is their love of food.

In fact, the United States is home to some of the best restaurants in the world. Whether you’re in a small town or a big city, you can find some of the best food in the world.

But even with all this choice, there are some foods that are quintessentially American. Hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, and Chinese food are all popular American dishes. There are also many lesser-known American dishes that are worth trying.

One example is sweet potato casserole, a dish that is typically made with sweet potatoes, brown sugar, butter, and cinnamon – topped with marshmallows. It is often served as a dish at Thanksgiving, but can be enjoyed any time of year. Although this might sound like a modern dish, the original recipe actually dates back to 1917!

Another classic American dish is Frito pie. Popular in Midwestern, South-Eastern, and South-Western United States, this dish usually consists of Fritos (corn chips), chili, and cheese. It can be made in a variety of ways, using additional ingredients such as salsa, sour cream, and rice, and is perfect for those who love spicy food.

Corn dogs are another popular American dish that are worth trying. They are made with hot dogs wrapped in cornbread batter and then deep-fried. They are often served with mustard and ketchup on the side.

Chicken and waffles

One of the more unusual combinations that combines sweet and savoury elements is chicken and waffles. Hailing from Pennsylvania Dutch country, the modern version of this recipe tops plain waffles with fried chicken and condiments such as butter and maple syrup.

Biscuits and gravy is another popular combination, especially in the South of England. Similar to a British savoury scone, the ‘biscuit’ is topped with a meat gravy made with the juices from cooked sausages and pieces of meat such as sausage, bacon, or ground beef.

Each one of these dishes is iconic and quintessentially American, and they all have a unique flavour that you’re sure to enjoy. So if you’re looking for a culinary adventure, be sure to give these dishes a try. You won’t be disappointed!

One of the great things about American cuisine is that there is something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for a healthy meal or something indulgent and flavourful, you can find it here.

Graphic Design Trends in the UK & US

Many of the world’s leading graphic design trends are derived from observations in the U.S. or U.K. and then filtered through an international lens to adapt to whichever culture they happen to land on. Of course, there are always certain nuances to each city’s graphic design style, resulting from the influence of different cultural backgrounds and the value that various industries place on design.

Graphic Design Trends in the U.K. & U.S.

Brands in motion

GIFs have become increasingly common in the U.S. and U.K. as an alternative to static imagery. Unlike static images, they allow the viewer to see a brand in action, creating a more engaging experience for users and portraying a sense of dynamism and personality. GIFs are also perfect for sharing online because they can be easily embedded into social media.

Breaking down (design) borders

The design of public spaces is undergoing a revolution as digital technology allows for new possibilities. The traditional way of designing public spaces is being disrupted by the integration of graphic design with interactive and responsive surfaces that respond to the people and objects around them. Furthermore, designers are now using technology to track users and their movements, allowing cities to communicate with residents in new ways.

Increasing interactivity

With the rise in popularity of wearables, all kinds of product packaging are also becoming increasingly interactive. Visual interfaces that are similar to those used on smartphones have become a standard way to introduce people to the functions of a product. They also make it easier for graphic designers to display product information.

Back in the 1990s

The 1990s are on their way back. Graphic designers are embracing the grungy and heavily stylized aesthetic that was popular in the early days of the internet, which has led to a rise in popularity for typefaces such as Comic Sans and neon colours such as yellow and pink. Another style that is making a comeback is stickers and decals to decorate products.

The new Wild West

Today, the internet is dominated by giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Still, despite their dominance and ability to shape the way we shop, they are not monopolizing everything. Innovative start-ups are providing alternatives to the big internet giants.


The U.S. and U.K. are becoming increasingly interconnected as more people move in and out of both countries, inspiring each other’s graphic design trends. The relevant industries in different regions also have their own particular graphic design styles, resulting from their residents’ cultural backgrounds and the importance they place on communication and interfaces that are easy to use.

The Differences in Living in the UK and US

If you’re from the UK and are curious about moving to live in the US, you may want to know the difference between living in both countries. By understanding the difference between the living culture in the UK and the US, you can decide if moving to the US is something you want to consider.

Food shopping

Food shopping in the USA can be pretty expensive compared to the UK. Part of this reason is that the US doesn’t have as many budget supermarket stores as in the UK. Large budget food stores like Lidl, Aldi or Asda aren’t available in the US. If you like to budget when it comes to food shopping, this is something to consider.

Roads and transport

America has more land, and the roads are much bigger compared to the UK. Although the UK has smaller roads, it offers better public transport compared to the US. If you’re considering living in the US, it’s important to have a driving license to get around as their public transport isn’t the same and isn’t as accessible in the UK.

Health care system

The NHS healthcare system is publicly free and available for all UK citizens, which means if you’re ill and hospitalised, you won’t receive any bills afterwards. The healthcare system in the US isn’t the same as the NHS. If you’re an American citizen, you will have to pay for your medical bills. Most of the time, they are paid through people’s medical insurance.

Price tax

When buying anything in the UK, the prices are what you will have to pay for, and there aren’t any additional taxes to be paid. However, in the US, their price tags on food or clothing aren’t the exact price as you see on the tag. Most of the time, the extra tax is added once you’re at the checkout.

Difference between British and American Housing

You may be wondering what the differences are between UK and USA housing. Although both countries speak the same language, you’ll be surprised to learn that both countries have entirely different styles of housing. Below is a list of things that are different to British and American homes.


UK houses usually come with built-in letterboxes through the front doors. In America, mailboxes are built and placed right outside their homes.

House Built

British homes are built with concrete bricks. Houses that are made with concretes are more solid and can last for centuries. This is why many UK houses built years ago are still standing strong to this day. On the other hand, American homes are built with timber frames or cladded wood, which is more ideal for building bigger homes.


When it comes to bathrooms, American houses are likely to have an ensuite that includes a bath, sink, toilet, and shower. In Britain, en suite bathrooms aren’t very popular. You will find that bathrooms are built either on the ground floor or the top floor.


Most houses in the UK does not come with a built-in wardrobe. Usually, you would have to buy them when moving to a different home. In American homes, it’s a standard requirement for rooms to have a built-in or walk-in closet.

Types of homes

The majority of houses in the UK are built semi-detached. In the USA, 80% per cent of houses are detached; this is because American land is more extensive than the UK.


Most roofs in British houses are either built with slate or clay tiles. You will generally find clay tiles in city houses and slate tiles in country homes. The American homes, on the other hand, are roofed with felt tiles.

UK and US Health System

healthcareThe healthcare system in the UK and USA both have similarities where the public pays for their healthcare, but both have a completely different system. To understand the similarities and difference between the systems, it’s essential to know how they work in both countries.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom has its own public healthcare known as the NHS (National Health Service). People from other countries may be under the impression that the UK’s health system is free for all UK citizens, which is true however it’s not entirely the case. The British system does believe that healthcare is a right for everyone. Although the care is publicly available to all UK citizens, it is paid through tax by every British citizen in the UK. So technically it’s not entirely free. If you’re curious about how much tax is paid, it’s normally 9% of the income which is still quite a significant amount. Furthermore, NHS follows many health standard guidelines and procedures when carrying out their practice.

United States

In the USA, the health care system is run privately. US citizens will either need to sign up to pay for a monthly health plan with their chosen private care or pay the overall cost using their own money when it’s needed. Although the monthly plans are reasonably affordable, the plan doesn’t always cover the total cost which means that they may need to pay a portion of the total cost when using the service. Because the system is run privately, each company will have different plans that cover different procedures. With regards to the standards of care, the USA system follows similar health guidelines in the UK.

Overall, it seems that the UK health system has more advantage compared to the US system. For instance, in the UK, the tax payment will cover any care that you need, unlike in the US, some of the services will still require you to pay extra even when you have signed up for a monthly care plan.

Major Differences Between UK and US Shopping Habits

In many respects, the British shopping experience is becoming more and more similar to the American one every day. This isn’t just about the high street, but also online where the distinctions between countries are less relevant, and even in the humble British supermarket. However, there are still several key differences between how we tend to go about our shopping in each of these countries. A few of these are as follows…

Language differences

As we have discussed before, many words have completely different meanings in America and the United Kingdom, despite the fact that we supposedly all speak the same language. Many of the differences are small and simple to remember, but when it comes to shopping there are a few crucial differences. A lot of clothing items actually have different colloquial names, from pants to trainers, so international fashion retailers notice this the most.

Mobile shopping

The US was one of the first countries to pass the milestone of more than half of its online traffic being from mobile users, while the UK only reached this point in 2016. A trait that has been observed among American consumers is that they love to browse potential purchases and compare prices on mobile, but after some consideration, the vast majority sit down at a computer to make the actual purchase.

Similar behaviours are emerging slowly in the UK, but only time will tell if we prefer the same approach or are more willing to make snap decisions from our phones. Companies would certainly prefer it that way.

Fast and free

In the UK, although online shopping is quickly catching up with the level of service available in the US, people still don’t have quite the same expectations. One-day delivery in Britain is still seen as a luxury service, but in America it’s usually a minimum, and waiting days or weeks for a package would be unheard of. Brits love to complain about slow service, but when it comes to shopping, Americans can give us a run for our money.

Not only that, but free delivery is also expected in the USA whereas UK customers might not be surprised to pay a few pounds per parcel. The vast majority of American online deliveries are fulfilled by free services, while the same cannot be said in many other places.

Differences In The British And American Legal Systems

Although the legal systems in the UK and the USA originally started out based on the same set of rules, they have diverged over the years and have since become quite different to one another, although there are some interesting parallels.

States and constituent countries

Some rules apply to the entire United Kingdom while other matters may be settled differently depending on the law in the constituent country (England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland). In a similar way, the US government dictates federal law while each of the individual states has varied laws and rules within that.

Legal authority

The two countries are not dissimilar in terms of how past legal cases can be used to set a precedent for a current case. Past judgements are referred to regularly in both court systems in order to make difficult decisions.

For other matters, US courts may refer to Congress, which is made up of the Senate (two representatives per state) and the House of Representatives (a proportionate number of representatives for each state’s population). Congress is comparable to the Houses of Parliament in the UK, where MPs (members of parliament) represent regions all over the country. In each case, new laws are debated and decided by these authorities.

Different court systems

In both countries, there is a distinction between courts that deal with smaller, usually civil cases and more serious criminal cases. In the USA, federal courts can deal with either type, while UK cases are subject to a more complicated system starting from Crown Court, escalating to the Courts of Appeals if needed, and finally a Supreme Court.

There is also a parallel court system for particular types of disputes called a tribunal system, which does not have an American equivalent as such. Cases in the US may alternatively be resolved via arbitration, which is a less formal and less expensive alternative to a traditional court case.

Lawyers and law school

In the UK, lawyers must follow up their law degree with further education, but in the US only the initial qualification and bar exam are necessary to move into any particular field of law. After qualifying, lawyers would often be known as “solicitors” or “barristers” in the UK while the US term is “attorney.” In either case, lawyers are likely to be referred to with respect to their area of expertise.